
Casey Russell

Number: 25
Position: Defense
6' 2"
Weight: 200
Birthday: 11.25.84
Hometown: Orange, CT
Last team: Avon Old Farms

Player Biography

Casey joins the Buccaneers this year after playing last season for Avon Old Farms prep and tallying 18 assists in 24 games. Casey is an Orange, Connecticut native and a big baseball fan. He says that if he weren’t playing hockey right now, he’d probably be playing baseball. Bernie Williams (New York Yankees) is his favorite non-hockey athlete.

Kevin Kasel: Tell me about your family life, do you have any brothers or sisters?

Casey Russell: Yeah, two sisters back home.

Kevin: Older? Younger?

Casey: Both younger.

Kevin: How old where you when you started playing hockey?

Casey: I think around the age of three.

Kevin: Why did you start?

Casey: My father played in college. He just started me up and I haven't stopped yet.

Kevin: Why did you decide to play for the Bucs?

Casey: Coach Ferguson came out to one of our games last year (at Avon Old Farms) and we met with him. It was the best situation and we came out here and visited last year and we liked it.

Kevin: Have you always been a defensemen?

Casey: No. I was turned into a defensemen my first year of Bantams.

Kevin: If I won the lottery, the first thing I'd do is ...

Casey: Buy my own rink.

Kevin: Do you have a favorite pro or college team?

Casey: I like the New York Rangers.

Kevin: What about a favorite player?

Casey: Alexei Kovalev.

Kevin: Do you have a nickname?

Casey: Just 'Case'.

Kevin: Where would you like to go to college?

Casey: I don't really have a favorite college.

Kevin: What are some things you want to do in your life besides hockey?

Casey: I was a big baseball player but, I can't play baseball this year. So maybe if hockey don't work out, I'll try baseball.

Kevin: Finish this sentence: The fans would be surprised to know that I...

Casey: I went to the beach almost everyday last summer.

Kevin: What is your favorite hockey memory?

Casey: Scoring four goals in my last year of Pee-wees in the last game of the season.

Kevin: What are your hobbies?

Casey: I love to fish and read sometimes.

Kevin: In comparison to your hometown what do you like and dislike about Des Moines?

Casey: The only big difference that I don't like is that it don't have an ocean.

Kevin: When did you first hear about the Bucs?

Casey: Last year.

Kevin: What do you like to do besides hockey?

Casey: Just hang out.

Kevin: Do you have a favorite movie?

Casey: Nope.

Kevin: Who is your favorite non-hockey athlete?

Casey: Bernie Williams.

Kevin: If you could have lunch with one person, past or present, who would it be?

Casey: Probably my Grandfather. Cause he is just a great guy.

Kevin: What is your favorite food?

Casey: Chicken, I'll go with chicken.

Kevin: Do you have a specific pre-game meal? If so, what is it?

Casey: I usually try and eat pasta.

Kevin: Who has been the biggest influence on your life?

Casey: Probably my Father.

Kevin: If you started your own NHL franchise, and you could pick any player, who would you start with and why?

Casey: Probably Mario Lemieux, cause he is leading the league in scoring right now.

Kevin: Who would you have on your hockey "Dream Team"?

Casey: Well, one of my friend's Father played in the NHL and he's a really good player, his name is Charlie Burns. He was the first player in the NHL to wear a helmet, cause he had too many concussion.

Kevin: What are your superstitions?

Casey: I have to put on everything left, before I put on the right.

Kevin: If you were stranded on a desert island, whom would you want to be stranded with ... Brittany Spears, Cameron Diaz, Sarah Michelle Gellar or Tara Reid?

Casey: Probably Tara Reid.

Kevin: Who would you rather be, Bugs Bunny or Road Runner?

Casey: Road Runner.

Kevin: Who would you rather be, Superman or Batman?

Casey: Superman.

Kevin: If I could change one thing about me, it would be ...

Casey: Have quicker feet.

Kevin: Any advice for younger hockey players?

Casey: Just always work hard. Hard work pays off.

To 2002-2003 Roster