
Number: 7
Position: Defense
6' 0"
Weight: 175
Birthday: 7.12.81
Hometown: Roseau, MN
Last team: Roseau HS

Player Biography

Nathan is another new Buccaneer from Roseau, Minnesota. He spent last season playing for Roseau High School. He says his greatest accomplishment so far in life was being a part of the 1999 Minnesota State AA Championship Hockey Team. Nathan’s favorite movie is American Pie.

Also see interview below.


Sarah: We will go ahead and start with where you grew up, where you are from, your family life.

Nathan: I grew up in Roseau, Minnesota. I have three sisters. I have worked for my father at a seed processing plant since about the age of ten. I started hockey at about four years old. I played in Roseau organizations all the way up. Skipped my senior year to come here to play for the Bucs for college recognition.

Sarah: So why did you start playing hockey?

Nathan: When did I start?

Sarah: Why?

Nathan: My hometown is a big hockey town. Hockey is the number one sport by far. It is supported by the community a lot, and it just seemed like the right thing to do coming from Northern Minnesota.

Sarah: How did you come to play for the Bucs?

Nathan: I was planning on going out to Billings and playing fall/spring, before and after, with them. My friend Paul, who is also on the team, came out to work one day and said, "Hey, do you want to go down to try out for the Bucs?" I was like, "Sure, why not." So I came down and I tried out and I made it. I decided that coming here was the best thing for me, so I just did it.

Sarah: What do you like best about being a Buc?

Nathan: Just the recognition you get playing for the Bucs. You really get treated like a celebrity. That is really nice. Playing in front of 3,000 fans is great. There is just a lot of community support. That is really nice to have.

Sarah: Is that a big difference for you coming here and being treated the way you are? I mean, you mentioned being treated like a celebrity and so that has to be somewhat of an adjustment.

Nathan: Yeah, it is quite a bit different. In Roseau, everybody is a hockey player so everybody is kind of treated the same. Here you are kind of a select group it seems if you play for the Bucs, so you get treated differently.

Sarah: What are your future plans?

Nathan: I am going to attend Yale University next year, play hockey for them. So I will play four years there and who knows what will happen after that.

Sarah: Are you excited?

Nathan: Yeah, I am really excited. The Bucs helped me out to reach my dream of going to an Ivy League school. I am very appreciative.

Sarah: Do you have any other goals of what you would like to achieve outside of hockey?

Nathan: Be successful and happy some day.

Sarah: You really don’t have an embarrassing moment? No stories? Okay, hobbies.

Nathan: I like to fish and hunt and obviously play hockey. I like to motorcycle. During the hockey season it is pretty much just hockey and school that fills up my schedule. Over the summer I get to enjoy those other things, kind of take a break.

Sarah: When you say motorcycle, do you street bike, dirt bike? What do you mean?

Nathan: I have a street bike.

Sarah: Do you have a greatest achievement?

Nathan: Getting into Yale was a pretty big achievement for me. Winning the Minnesota State AA hockey tournament was a big accomplishment, coming from a small school and opting up into larger schools. Taking that tournament was pretty big.

Sarah: What would you like to tell the fans?

Nathan: Thanks for the support and keep it up.

Special thanks to Lisa Sheehy for transcribing this interview.